internet marketing spartanburgBelieve it or not, it’s not just business owners who can gain immense benefits from learning about internet marketing and search optimization.  With some hard work and determination, almost anyone can drive in serious profits through a properly run website.

Well, I’d better back up for a moment and say that very few websites actually make any money at all.  The reason that they fail is due to a lack of knowledge about how internet marketing really works, so they end up experimenting, getting frustrated and ultimately quitting.  To me, that’s not really a failure though…that’s like walking into a knife fight with a set of salad tongs and hoping for the best.  It just doesn’t end too pretty when you’re not really prepared.

That’s why I start every conversation with new clients with one simple question- how will the website you want me to build help you make more money? 

Even though I can find the answer to that question myself for most industries, it’s the client who will ultimately sink or swim with their new domain unless they have a solid grasp on where their customers are coming from, what type of information those people are looking for and how to actually get them to go from being a lead to a customer. 

Even if Upstate Synergy is running your campaigns for you, there still has to be someone on your end responding to leads via email, social media and through your website.  And when people search for a business from their smartphones, they want the answers they’re looking for RIGHT NOW.  If you can’t provide that then they’re on to the next business…and that’s where most internet marketing campaigns end up falling short of their projected mark.

So understand this- internet marketing can completely revolutionize your business if you are fully dedicated to the process.  I have clients every single day that see their bottom line go from zeroes to heroes by optimizing their websites and working their online leads properly, but a web development firm can only do so much. 

In other words, it is my job to deliver the leads to your doorstep.  It is your job to close the deal.  And if you’re not willing to learn how the lead generation process works, then you shouldn’t invest another penny in your website or any form of online marketing.

The good news is that Upstate Synergy is here to teach you everything you could possibly need to know about internet marketing and we will happily come to your Upstate business and fully educate your staff on the latest trends and techniques.  So if your current campaigns are not delivering new customers to your doorstep, feel free to contact us through the enclosed form and we’ll happily perform a free website analysis to see what you can be doing better.